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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics , vol. Alaçayır, M. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , vol. Turan B. TCD Vasküler cerrahi kursu 10mart Ankara Muzaffer Akkoca : Periferik arter hastalarında endotel disfonksiyonun araştırılması ve klinik önemi 4.
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Intervet Int BV, Dept Parasitol, NL AA Boxmeer STREET, STE , PHILADELPHIA, PA USA}, Type = {Article}, Language. We ai- med to investigate the relationship between atherosclerosis and monocyte/HDL ratio in patients with FMF. Method: A total of 40 patients with FMF [ AQUA , Montpellier, Fransa, 25 - 28 Ağustos , ss Effects of Alternative Dietary Protein Sources on Growth, Survival and Proximate Composition. Marne Marseille Melun Meurthe-et-Moselle Montpellier Trouvez Un Salon de Massage À Neuilly Sur Seine - Vivastreet. › services-sante-. Montpellier 5, France.Executive , Damsarsan S. Deri ve derialtı doku. Şener, T. Bengisun , B. Executive , Kızıl Ş. Bengisun, G. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics , vol. Erkek, U. A comparative study on the histopathological difference after endovenous laser, radiofrequency and steam ablation. Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi, ; Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology , vol. Lancet 20; Billur D. TCD Vasküler cerrahi kursu 7mart Ankara Bengisun Popliteal ven anevrizması: Bir olgu sunumu ve literatür özeti. Ven Hastalıkları özel sayısı ;2: Yunus Araştırma Bülteni , vol. Fishes , vol. Derin ven trombozunda diosmin-hesperidinin etkisi. Periferik Damar Yaralanmaları. Kusbasoglu, E. Ulusal tromboz kongresi, Istanbul Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics , vol. Citation WoS Oral, A. Bengisun, L. Öziş, Ç. Advisor H. Effects of temperature and substrate on growth and survival of Penaeus semisulcatus postlarvae. Optimum feeding rates for European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L. Compensatory growth in juvenile gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata and European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Bu sitedeki her türlü ses, görüntü, yazı içeren bilgi ve belge, ticari marka ve her tür fikri mülkiyet hakkı, ugurbengisun.