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Haberim olmadan Saysz ten nyargsz Sebepsizce Geerek, danmadan Bakmadan, ehemmiyet vermeyerek Uluorta; koulsuz; hi bir snrlama olmakszn ekinmeyerek; tamamen Zora bavurmadan Anlamsz, sama, ipe sapa gelmez Utanmadan Bol bol, esigemeyerek Hi duraksamayarak Dnmeden, dnmeksizin Gz krpmadan vnmek gibi olmasn ama Haddim olmayarak Byk trenle Hakk olarak, hakkyla e dair. Thank to Thank you ever so much. By the book In due form In the name of the law In defiance of the law On door steps Like hot cakes Inclusive of High and dry; on the shore By land In the deep of winter, in the depth of winter By night Under cloud of night Moment of truth On the knees of the gods Up a tree Up in the air By land I am in pocket. All day long In all my experience Man and boy In full career, in full course, with all speed With my whole heart, with all my heart From one's heart As far as in me lies For dear life; in force In full blast Out and out, up to the hilt In all my born days, in all my experience That's all he cares about At all hazards All my hopes were dashed to the ground, His heart sank within him. Elinden km Elinden geldii kadar abuk Elinden geldiince Elinden gelenin en iyisini yaparak Elinin altnda Eliyle Elverir. It's high time More and more If you care to On edge At your discretion, within your discretion As convenient At pleasure On request At least Down in the dumps The name of the game Of high degrees On no consideration, in no circumstances, nevermore, no such thing Under the skin, at bottom; in itself, in fact In point of fact To tell the truth, in point of fact Herein after As follows As follows Of sorts Backwards and forwards, back and forth, at a rough guess Very evidently, to the fore To a fault For the love of Under fire At a fabulous price Of low degrees At the top of one's voice. Ayn miktar; akran, emsal? Ha, diyordum ki One redeeming feature On an equality with a person A small number of, a few A few thousand In every few days Every few hours In a nutshell One or two A few years after For this once For once For once On one occasion, once more again For this once With a sweep of the arm By oneself In a gesture of command In a body In common; as one man In a manner of speaking, in one sense, in a sense A sum of, a far amount As much again For some time Soon after For the present; for a space A grain of common sense A size too big. Bunlara prim verenler bitmediği sürece bu ticaret, bu et pazarı böyle sürüp gidecek. Ve u da var ki, bir de u var, Ve unlar da sylemek gerekir ki Yurtdışına gidiyor günlüğüne. The last straw The less But nonetheless But there it is But what But yet By's By a hair's breadth By a narrow majority By a narrow margin By a stretch of imagination By accident By accident or design By air By all accounts By all manner of means By all means By By By By an oversight and by and large any means birth brutal force cash chance. Here is a point that Here and there There you are mistaken In these parts It's a home from home Thus far On tab With one's head in the air Under one's nose, with the earshot of, under the nose of For as much as In this instance, for once As such About this time About this time This bears out what I said. While the going s good I was very concerned to hear At the stores As the crow flies All the world Not at my price I'll see him damned first In the flesh A world of Four corners of the earth Far and wide All over the world At the back of As the world goes With an unaided eye Above board By fair means By the book Down and out Under fire At sword's points In the eye{s of In contemplation of In the minds eye In consideration of; what with Without thinking Without thinking When one thinks Ofset purpose After mature consideration As the crow flies On the mend In order Every which way On the level. Nedeni Ksacas, hlasa in gzel taraf Birdenbire aklma geldi ki Manas yok. Önce feminist olduklarını ilan ederler sonra sınırsız cinsel özgürlüklerinin olduğunu söylerler. Yazıklar olsun Bandan ben Bu gnden itibaren bundan byle ok eski zamanladan ben Bu adan, bu ynden Bundan byle bundan sonra Ara sra. Haberi olmadan Hadden ar Haddim olmayarak Ha, diyordum ki Zaman meselesi ok, pek ok Pratik olarak, kararlama yoluyla Kadar Temel bir kural olarak Balang olarak, ilk olarak Bunun sonucu olarak; bu nedenle Bir ba olarak Armaan olarak Genel bir kural olarak, genellikle, Umumiyetle Genel olarak Bir insan gz ile, insanlk bakmndan Doal olarak Dorusu, dorusunu isterseniz, hakikaten, iin dorusu Adet yerini bulsun diye Bir ara olarak Adet yerini bulsun diye Sonu olarak, sonucu olarak in sonucu olarak, in neticesinde ounlukla, genellikle zet olarak areti olarak 9.