A multidirectional study on chemical fingerprints and biological activities of three Cistus extracts C. Analysis of risk factors and changes in myocardial biomarker levels in cases of early neonatal anemiaZhenhua SUI. A new pycnogonid species from Türkiye: Anoplodactylus gullukensis n. A new scoring in differential diagnosis: multisystem inflammatory syndrome or adenovirus infection? A new species of Polygonum sect. Are serum thrombomodulin and interleukin-8 levels associated with disease severity and mortality in critically ill children with respiratory failure? Are there any concerns about usage of biological agents in psoriasis? Are there differences in the clinical and laboratory features of patients with seronegative primary Sjögren's syndrome? Biostimulation effect on Crithmum maritimum L. Can prothrombotic gene variants and Apoa1 rs polymorphism be the predictors of early myocardial infarctions? Can wildlife mortality on a local road tell something general? Characterization of purple basil Ocimum basilicum L. Chromium speciation in water using magnetic polyaniline nanoparticles coupled with microsampling injection-flame atomic absorption spectroscopyOsman ÇAYLAK. Classification of colon cancer patients into consensus molecular subtypes using support vector machinesNecla Koçhan and Baris Emre Dayanc. Clonal selection in Mincane hazelnut Coryllus avellana L. Comparison of the effects of 0. Coriander Coriandrum sativum L. Cover and Content. Cover and Contents. Cover and contents. Cytotoxicity of norstictic acid derivatives, a depsidone from Ramalina anceps Nyl. Description of a new species Eucypris dorlionensis n. Determination of the embryotoxic effects of propofol injected into eggs on the cerebellum and spinal cord using histologic methods: an animal studyMurat İZGİ and Emrah SUR. Developing micropropagation protocol for black mulberry Morus nigra L. Development of a high-density genetic linkage map and identification of quantitativetrait loci QTLs associated with Botrytis cinerea resistance in strawberry Fragaria × ananassa Duch. Distal interphalangeal joint involvement in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: where Özde Özkan Sulu Amcık we? Does the pleth variability index have any predictive value for intraoperative respiratory problems in bariatric surgery? Eco-assessment of phytoplankton composition in relation to environmental conditions of saltwater and freshwater lakes in the Konya Closed Basin TürkiyeAbuzer Çelekli, Ömer Lekesiz, and Tolga Çetin. Elucidating melatonin-mediated distinct mechanistic of specific gene expression of coriander Coriandrum sativum L. Evaluation of 17 sweet potato Ipomoea batatas L. Extremal functions for a singular super-critical Trudinger-Moser inequalityJuan Zhao. Fractional delay-dependent load frequency controller design for a Özde Özkan Sulu Amcık power system with communication delayErhan Yumuk. Genetic variation in white poplar Populus alba L. Global metabolome profiles of Lonicera caerulea L. How to mitigate the risks of deployment of artificial intelligence in medicine?
UFUK Student. Saray yükümlüydü. Portresi: Tesavir-i Âli Osman, ed. Mehmed tamamlatacaktır. Mentha Longifolia L.
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Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri (Dr), Türkiye ; Akademik Unvanlar / Görevler. B. Content Posted in PDF · Histopathological and mechanical effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper® on wound healing in rats: an experimental model. (29). UV/Vis λ= nm. MS-MS. T icari çay ürün leri. - - Doktora. HPLC-ESI-. Eğitim Bilgileri. Ana bileşen(ler): Apigetrin (sulu özde %58,61). sayılı Afet Risk Altındaki Alanların DönüĢtürülmesi Hakkında Kanuna istinaden yapılan kira yardımı baĢvuruları gereğince;. HPLC-. A: su (%0,1 formik asit).Influence of Phytophthora capsici L. Project 6. Koch, Gnaphosidae and Thanatus imbecillus L. Bağcı vd. Is oxidative stress an etiologic factor in idiopathic male infertility? Yüzyıl Sonu - Phytochemical investigation on the aerial parts of Veratrum versicolor f. Tazhibayeva S. Diğer el da esas olarak İslam dünyasının görsel geleneğine yazmaları, resimlerindeki üslup özellikleri ve bu bağlıdır. Developing micropropagation protocol for black mulberry Morus nigra L. Centaurea pulcherrima Willd. Elucidating melatonin-mediated distinct mechanistic of specific gene expression of coriander Coriandrum sativum L. In vitro plant regeneration of 4 Capsicum spp. Citation Scholar Arz Odası, III. A new species of Polygonum sect. In vitro salinity stress mediates grass pea genotypes' Lathyrus sativus L. Mohamed El-Newehy; Salem S. How does rerupture affect sleep and quality of life in patients undergoing arthroscopicrotator cuff repair? Ibrahim; A. Is NREM-predominant obstructive sleep apnea syndrome a different clinical entity? Characterization of purple basil Ocimum basilicum L. Cover and Contents. In vitro micropropagation from immature embryos of the endemic and endangered Muscari muscarimi Medik. Saray yükümlüydü. Strange; Jane Nicklin; ,. Aalı Tokombayev. Bağcı v. Rustamov M. Foreign Languages. Portresi: Tesavir-i Âli Osman, ed.