And it worked: Gawker. But few know there was another disgruntled celebrity working to destroy Gawker: Joe Francis, the millionaire soft-core porn mogul best known for the Girls Gone Wild franchise. In several interviews with Newsweek, Francis boasted about his role, using language better suited to the voice-over for an action movie. And we did—we killed the most reckless, dangerous scumbag in the world: Nick Denton. Denton not the most dangerous scumbag in the world did make a lot of enemies with his blog. Which leads us to Francis. Inthe porno entrepreneur threatened to sue Gawker for calling him a rapist in a post that awarded him the title of Douche of the Decade. Francis had been accused of rape in a Los Angeles Times profile but was never convicted. Tax evasion and bribery, sure, but not rape. Bu hikaye Newsweek dergisinin September 30 sayısından alınmıştır. Already a subscriber? Giriş Yap. After years of backlash over trans issues, the Harry Potter author has received major business backing. Taylor Swift's Eras Tour' ends its record-breaking run. Conservatives and liberals agree on the state of the health care industry following the killing of Brian Thompson. I have a project for you. And you're gonna do it. Instead of keeping a low profile, Moscow's spies are embracing the limelight and even being welcomed home by Vladimir Putin after their cover is blown. Start your free trial. Newsweek US.
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