Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate whether morbidly obese female patients are suffering sexual dysfunction, in addition to analyzing the effect of body mass index BMI on sexual functions. Method: A total of 72 morbidly obese women admitted to the Endocrinology Department, whose BMI scores were 40 or over, and 28 healthy women age-matched with the morbidly obese group, whose BMI scores were under 30 were included in this study. Considering the effects on sexual functioning, the patients and the control group were evaluated by a psychiatric specialist. Results: Statistical analyses revealed that morbidly obese female patients more frequently suffered from sexual dysfunction compared to the control group. The Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale ASEX and all subscale scores except the sexual satisfaction rate were significantly higher in morbidly obese female patients than in the control group. There was no correlation found between the BMI and sexual function in the analyses conducted. Conclusion: In our study, morbidly obese female patients were found to show more impairments in all areas of sexual functions except sexual satisfaction rate when compared to the control group. Previous studies have suggested that obesity is the cause of sexual dysfunction in men; however, the same relationship could not be demonstrated in women. In a limited study of Can Stress Cause Low Sex Drive patients, conflicting results were attributed to the inability to control variables. The fact that variables such as depression, anxiety, and chronic physical illness, which may affect sexual function, had been assessed in our study is important for accurately interpreting the findings. The data in our study reveals the importance of investigating sexual functions in morbidly obese female patients. While a high daily intake of energy and low output of energy spent is seen as the fundamental problem in obesity, it has been established that multi-factorial reasons emerging as a result of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors are the cause of the illness 2. BMI — a weight for height index — is measured by dividing weight in kilograms by height in centimeters squared; Can Stress Cause Low Sex Drive with a BMI higher than 30 fall into the category of obese and those above 40 are considered morbidly obese 4. Obesity, whose prevalence has been on the rise in recent years, has moved beyond being perceived as an esthetic problem and is now being categorized as an illness. In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of articles that examine the relationship between obesity and psychopathology. These studies indicate that obesity is a complex condition affecting states such as anxiety, depression, and consequently the health and life quality of a person, furthermore, they found a high rate of sexual dysfunction and co-morbidity 5,6. The formation of a secondary sexual dysfunction in obesity is multifactorial 7. The psychological and social effects of obesity influence confidence and behavioral tendencies in instigating or abstaining from sexual relations. The role of sexuality in human life cannot be denied. It can be said that sexuality plays an important role in its effects on both men and women. Fewer studies focus on female obesity and sexual functions compared to those researching male obesity. The qualities, physiology, and mechanisms of female sexuality are more complex and unique than those of males. Just as the effect of female sexual function on the quality of life, a decrease in the quality of life will also lead to sexual dysfunction. Studies indicate that female sexual dysfunction occurs particularly with patients suffering from chronic illness 8. This study aims to research sexual function disorder in morbidly obese women and the effects of BMI on sexual functions. Of these patients, 15 morbidly obese women diagnosed with an additional psychiatric illness or were using psychotropic medicine, 27 women with a chronic illness that would affect sexual function such as Diabetes Mellitusand 18 patients who did not have an active sex life were excluded from the study. Three of the patients refused to complete the forms being given to them. The control group was selected according to age by the hospital staff; in the end, 28 healthy women with a BMI below 30 who did not have a psychiatric or chronic physical illness were chosen for participation. The treatment and control groups were assessed by a psychiatrist and those with a psychiatric illness were eliminated from the study. Additional criteria for being included in the study were being above the age of 18 and being literate. The Female Version features questions on sex drive, arousal, vaginal lubrication, ability to reach orgasm, and satisfaction from orgasm, in this order. Each of the five questions is evaluated on a scale fromand the total score varies between 5 and The validity and reliability of the scale for Turkey has been confirmed. The normal distribution of the variables was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. Variables found to be normally distributed were evaluated using the Paired Samples t Test, while variables not normally distributed were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test to compare the numerical variables between two groups. In order to compare the categorical variables, the Pearson chi-square test was used. The statistical significance level was set at plt;0. Demographic data belonging to the treatment and control groups are shown in Table 1. When examining the subscale scores, with the exception of level of satisfaction, the Can Stress Cause Low Sex Drive of the morbidly obese were significantly higher than those of the control group. There was no significant correlation found between sexual functions and BMI in the statistical analysis conducted in order to understand the relationship between sexual functions and the BMI in the treatment group pgt;0. However, even today, it is not clear whether or not obesity is an independent risk factor in the quality of female sexual life
Prolactin (PRL)
Prolactin (PRL) - Denge Tıp Laboratuvarı ve Tıbbi Görüntüleme Merkezi The possible causes may be related to COVID or psychological disorders, which can affect testosterone levels. However, further studies are. The FSFI questionnaire consists of 19 questions and evaluates a 6-domain structure that includes desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm. The Effect of Frequency of Sexual Intercourse on Symptoms in Women with Fibromyalgia - PMCAnn Neurol ; Şakir Ongun 8. Shan dili. The COVID outbreak negatively affects the mental health of the population and increases the likelihood of illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, getting worse Open in a new tab. It measures well-being, fatigue, morning stiffness, pain, sleep, anxiety, depression, job status, and physical condition.
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The possible causes may be related to COVID or psychological disorders, which can affect testosterone levels. However, further studies are. Studies have shown that, in pregnant women, progressive muscle relaxation increases calmness and reduces depression, stress, and anxiety levels. The FSFI questionnaire consists of 19 questions and evaluates a 6-domain structure that includes desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm. Studies have shown that IPV leads to more suicide attempts and causes more depression, posttrauma- tic stress disorder (PTSD), and sexual.The severity of ED was also compared between the groups. Multidisciplinary future researches including neurology, psychiatry, gynecology and endocrinology are required for SD in female patients with PD. The amount of synaptic contacts is changed by the estrous cycle according to the estrogen levels. Dopamine depletion may cause SD with its dual effects, including erectile dysfunction as well as motor disturbances in PD 1. The research was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive study. All of the female participants were postmenopausal and all disease onsets were after menopause. Bemba dili. Hmong dili. Several other disease-related factors, such as the psychosocial stress, burden of chronic illness, changed appearance, fatigue, relative immobility in bed, difficulty in fine finger movements, and lowered self-esteem associated with increasing loss of independence, may contribute substantially to SD 4. Parkinsonism: onset, progression and mortality. Desteklenen dosya türleri:. Distinct hormonal physiologies may also influence pathophysiology of PD. Although these tumours are usually treated with medication, the ones with untreatable dimensions can be removed surgically if they compress the optic nerve. Sexuality and obesity, a gender perspective: results from French national random probability survey of sexual behaviours. Gend Med ; BMI — a weight for height index — is measured by dividing weight in kilograms by height in centimeters squared; persons with a BMI higher than 30 fall into the category of obese and those above 40 are considered morbidly obese 4. Ataşehir Hospital. Jamaika lehçesi. Silezya dili. Google Play'de satın alınan kitapları bilgisayarınızın Web tarayıcısını kullanarak okuyabilirsiniz. Furthermore with similar levels of disease severity, women perceive greater disability than men with PD Batak Toba dili. Yapılmış çalışmalarda obezitenin erkeklerde cinsel işlev bozukluğuna neden olduğu ileri sürülmüş ancak kadınlarda aynı ilişki gösterilememiştir. Luo dili. Although different rates are stated in different countries, its global prevalence is 2.